The dialogue

For LaunchPad's Ted Moon, any new project begins with a conversation.

Using a conversational interview style with a subject matter expert, Ted begins to uncover not only what a new technology is designed to do, but also how it can solve a specific industry problem where other solutions have failed.

Digging deeper

Ted then taps into his love of learning and passion for uncovering additional information about a technology or market segment. This typically may require some detective work, finding sources of information that people might not know exist, to arrive at a comprehensive and in-depth analysis.

Delivering the message

All this analysis is useless if it is not also informative if it is not communicated clearly and succinctly to the target audience that needs it. Ted strives to craft each technical article or market report with the end user key decision makers, C-level executives, young engineers or students in mind. Armed with this clearly accessible information, they can make the informed decisions required to adopt a new technology to their needs.


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